Join us for the kickoff of Bosler’s Birthday Series with a history of the library!
A library is often the heart of a town. Like a heart, it has many important jobs to do for the town and its people. For 125 years The Bosler Memorial Library has undertaken those jobs for Carlisle and the area, changing with the times and the nature of information and entertainment. Jeff Wood, a former Board Member of Bosler, will present the story of the history of the library, its evolving vision of what it ought to be, and its mission in serving the community to the present day.
Jeff Wood and his wife Betsy founded Whistlestop Bookshop 40 years ago. It still thrives in Bosler’s neighborhood. He is a Dickinson College graduate and has a Masters in American Studies from Penn State University. For 20 years, he delivered The Cumberland County Historical Society’s Fall Lecture Series. He has served on the boards of Bosler, the Historical Society, and the Carlisle Theatre.