Camp Hill Borough invites you to our Grand Opening Celebration at Siebert Park for the trail, streambank restoration, and kayak launch. The ceremony will include speakers and a ribbon cutting beginning at 3:00 pm. Following the ceremony, all are welcome to walk the trail from the pool parking lot to the kayak launch at Creek Road.
Visitors will be encouraged to stop along the way to read educational signage and ask questions of the tour guides. Children will be given a scavenger sheet to help them learn what to look and listen for along their walk. Tours will be self-guided, with an estimated time of at least 15-20 minutes to walk the length of the trail and back. Due to the anticipated attendance, we are asking for all bikes to be parked in the pool parking lot during the event, and the trail will re-open for bikes at 4:30 pm.
We are looking forward to celebrating this project's completion, which was funded by DCNR, the Fish and Boat Commission, the Lion Foundation, the Camp Hill Borough Stormwater Authority, and the Borough of Camp Hill.