Join the National Park Service in commemorating the events of 80 years ago when the United States was engaged in a global struggle against fascism and tyranny. From General Eisenhower's "Great Crusade" in Western Europe to the jungles of Saipan and to the farm fields and factories of the United States, 1944 saw millions of Americans pull together in pursuit of a common goal alongside their Allies in arms. World War II Weekend is a living history-focused event that includes guest speakers, ranger-guided tours, family activities, and more. This year's event will bring the stories of 1944 to life through three days of programming and interactive activities for visitors of all ages.
For event information and the complete schedule of programming, visit
Timed shuttles depart the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center every hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (last returning shuttle 4:30 p.m.) Saturday, Sept. 21 and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (last returning shuttle 2:30 p.m.) Sunday, Sept. 22. Shuttle tickets are now available through the Gettysburg Foundation by phone at 877-874-2478 or 717-334-2436 or at the Ticket Counter inside the Museum & Visitor Center.