The Locust Grove Cemetery in Shippensburg is a historic African-American cemetery. The cemetery is the burial location for 47 African American veterans from every major American conflict from the Civil War to Vietnam. There are 26 known Civil War veterans buried. These veterans served in the United States Colored Troops between 1863 and 1865. These include three men who served in the 54th and 55th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiments which were the troops featured in the movie Glory. Learn more about this site while following the Shippensburg's Locust Grove Cemetery Walking Tour.
Located between E. Fort Street and E. Burd Street on N. Queen Street.
Discover this site and others with the All Things Civil War in Cumberland Valley trip idea.
Historic Marker: An on-site marker reads: "Burial ground for slaves and free blacks since the early 19th century and site of Shippensburg's first African American church, established 1830s. Edward Shippen Burd granted the land to Shippensburg's African American community in 1842. It was the only public cemetery to open to African Americans in the area until the late 20th century. Graves of veterans from the Civil War to the Vietnam conflict include those of twenty-six Civil War soldiers."
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