Oakes Museum @ Messiah University

One College Avenue,
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(717) 691-6082

A 10,000-square-foot museum devoted to natural history with exhibits that take you back thousands of years to America and Africa.  75 full mounts, including a zebra, giraffe and elephant.

There is an admission fee. Children 3 and under are free

Groups:  Enjoy a guided tour filled with fun facts and exhibit history. Tour time approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Minimum tour group size is 15. Maximum tour group size is 50. Motorcoach parking available.

Children: Curator Club and Curator Club 2 offer Saturday morning programs that provide children with educational science enrichment in a fun learning environment.

Campus Map

Things to Do
  • Directions: Directions to the Oakes Museum SOUTHBOUND ON US 15: Travel approximately three (3) miles beyond the Pennsylvania Turnpike interchange to the Lisburn Road exit. Turn left at the end of the exit ramp. Turn right onto Grantham Road. At the entrance to the campus, turn left and travel to the first stop sign. Turn right into the parking lot of the Jordon Science Center, home of the Oakes Museum. NORTHBOUND ON US 15: Travel approximately four miles beyond the PA 74 North intersection near Dillsburg to the Lisburn Road exit. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp. Turn right onto Grantham Road. At the entrance to the campus, turn left and travel to the first stop sign. Turn right into the parking lot of the Jordon Science Center, home of the Oakes Museum. VISITOR PARKING Parking for visitors during public hours is available in the Jordan Science Center parking lot. HANDICAPPED PARKING Handicapped parking is available in the Jordan Science Center parking lot. FIELD TRIP DROP-OFF Field trip drop-off location will be specified by museum staff prior to arrival .
  • Gift Shop:
  • Hours: Saturdays 10am-4pm
Quick Check
  • Handicapped Accessible:
  • Restrooms:
Family Fun
  • All Ages:
  • Under 4:
  • Group Reservations Required:
  • Maximum # of People for Tour: 50
  • Motorcoach Parking:
  • Price Range: varies
  • Tour Length: 1 to 2 hours
Type of Experience
  • Educational:
  • Tours Available: