The Old Graveyard was Carlisle's first burial ground. The oldest surviving marker is dated 1757, six years after Carlisle founding in 1751. As one of the original seven public graveyards in colonial Pennsylvania, the Old Graveyard reflects the European pattern of public rather than private ownership. Today, the site is owned and maintained by the Borough of Carlisle.
The Old Public Graveyard in Carlisle is home to 750 veterans from the Revolutionary War through the Korean War. The graveyard is the burial ground for 550 Civil War veterans including the drummer boy for the 1st U.S. Calvary, Charles Seebold. This is also the burial site for Mary Hays McCauly who is better known as Molly Pitcher, recognized for her bravery during the Revolutionary War.
The native limestone wall that surrounds the graveyard was begun in 1806 to keep out cattle. The "New Section" of the graveyard was laid out in 1891.
Discover this site with the Carlisle Old Public Graveyard Self-Guided Tour.
- Downtown:
- Hours: Daily from dawn until dusk
- Parking: street parking
- Tours Available: