Man wading in the Yellow Breeches Creek fishing

Travel Blog

Carlisle: A Historic Small Town

In spring 2022, Carlisle was one of 20 nominees in USA Today’s 10 Best Historic Small Towns. All nominees have small populations of less than 25,000 but are rich in fascinating history. Thanks to everyone's support, Carlisle was voted No. 4. Scroll through the highlights below to find…

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Hiking & History

Learning about the history of a location doesn't have to happen inside a museum. As warm weather approaches, check out these Cumberland Valley locations where you can add some historical knowledge to your outdoor explorations. Camp Michaux Two miles northwest of Pine Grove Furnace…

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All Things Civil War

The Cumberland Valley played a significant role in America’s Civil War. In the prelude to the Battle of Gettysburg, Southern troops passed through the valley, occupied communities, skirmished with the militia, and shelled towns. Through visits to historic sites, museums, and markers…

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